As A Result Of The Investigation, The Police Say That The Death Of A 132 Junior High School Student Fell From The 4th Floor Due To Victim Errors

JAKARTA - The Cengkareng Police confirmed that the death of a student at SMPN 132 Cengkareng with the initials D (16) was an accident victim. In fact, the police suspect that the mistake occurred because it was from the victim's own side.

"Because of the results of our examination, that's the time to rest. The person concerned should be under (at half-time)," said Cengkareng Police Chief, Police Commissioner Hasoloan Situmorang to VOI, Wednesday, October 18.

With claims from SMPN 132 regarding a teacher picket at the time of the incident, the Cengkareng Police admitted that they had not conducted an investigation to that stage.

"Not yet, not there, yes. The problem is that it (the incident) is taking a break, all students have provisions below. But the person concerned (the victim is) on the (4th floor) floor," he said.

In line with the Police, Deputy for Student Affairs of SMPN 132 Cengkareng, Endang Sukesi confirmed, when the incident occurred, he was taking a school break.

"So 5 minutes before entering (after the break), I was contacted by picket officers to go to the location. Then I saw the child was lying down, then coordinating with related parties and going to the hospital. My position was all day at Graha Kedoya Hospital, then to the Police Hospital until the funeral," he added.

Previously, it was reported that the death of a junior high school student with the initials DR in the back alley of a school on Jalan Tawangmangu, RT 02/06, Kedaung Kaliangke Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta is still a mystery. Various information mentions that the victim fell from the 4th floor of the school building.

"I didn't hear any screams. But when he fell, his friend (victim) saw the one above," said May, a resident around SMPN 132 Cengkareng, Monday, October 9.