Ministry Of Industry Facilitates 6 Producers Of The Electronic Digital Industry In Hong Kong, This Is The Goal

JAKARTA - Digital industry players in Indonesia continue to grow along with the Making Indonesia 4.0 initiative which continues to be echoed by the government. Digital and electronic products from Indonesia are also getting better quality and are starting to be able to compete in the global market.

In order to further introduce the capabilities of the national digital and electronic industry to the international community as well as expand market access, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) facilitated six (6) digital and electronic industry manufacturers to participate in the Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) Exhibition on October 13-16, 2023.

"The promotional facilities at this exhibition are intended to introduce national industrial products, services, and technology in the international market, especially for the electronics and digital industry," said Director of International Industrial Resources and Promotion Access at the Ministry of Industry Iken Retnowulan in a written statement received by VOI, Tuesday, October 17.

It is known that the Indonesian Pavilion located in Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, exhibits various technologies and products from the national industry, such as fiber optic cables, digital medical devices, robotics and digital products such as Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Database Center.

The six electronics and digital industry companies participating in the event were PT Communication Cable System Indonesia, PT Nocola IoT Solution, PT Qwords Company International, PT Solusi Use Face, PT Stechoq Robotika Indonesia, and UMG IDEALAB.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE) Yan Sibarang Tandiele said the Ministry of Industry sent six domestic electronics and digital industries at the exhibition for promotion, as well as opening up new cooperation and investment opportunities.

"At the exhibition, there was also a promotion of domestic products, of which two (2) Indonesian companies explained the advantages of their products, namely optical cable products (PT CCSI) and AI products (PT Solusi Using Faces)," he said.

Yan added that the Ministry of Industry also promoted investment in a series of Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition) activities through an explanation of government policies in the investment sector.

Fiscal policies that have been prepared by the government include tax holidays, tax allowances, and super tax deductions. This is one of the strategies to encourage investment, mastery of technology, and strengthening industrial structures that can be utilized by industrial companies that meet predetermined requirements and criteria.

On the other hand, Yan said, the non-fiscal policy given to industrial companies includes facilitation of industry company participation at international exhibitions.

Through the implementation of this policy, he continued, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on strengthening and empowering the domestic electronics and telematics industry.

"In addition, it is a strategic step to increase domestic industrial capacity, create balance, and reduce trade balance deficits that have been donated by the electronics and digital industry," he added.