Preventing Leaning Allegations, Chief Justice Of The Constitutional Court Is Advised Not To Join The Age Limit For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates

JAKARTA Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Jimly Asshiddiqie appealed to the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, not to participate in deciding the application for judicial review of the presidential and vice presidential age limits to avoid oblique accusations, including the Constitutional Court which was granted to become the Family Court.

He considered that it would be better if the request for judicial review was decided by eight other constitutional judges outside of Anwar Usman. Jimly still saw the potential for dissenting opinion even though only eight constitutional judges were decided.

"It's better for the chairman to resign from handling the case. So it cannot be accused that this has something to do with the family. The rest is left to eight other judges. Not necessarily the same opinion, right. So it seems exciting to have a dissenting. If there is a dissenting decision, it means that there is a substantial debate internally. Judges with their respective independence, with their respective beliefs to decide cases, we must respect," said Jimly in a written statement, Sunday, October 15.

Personally, continued Jimly, he would reject the request if he was still a constitutional judge. He made an analogy, the issue of minimum age requirements is part of the job requirements.

Nevertheless, he fully submitted the decision to the Constitutional Court and would respect whatever decision from the constitutional judges. Jimly also hopes that all parties can act the same considering that whatever the Constitutional Court's decision will not be able to satisfy all Indonesian people.

"So we have to accept what is decided tomorrow, even though it is not in accordance with our opinion. That is the system of our country, even though the law is made by 570 people who are elected through elections, together with the president who is elected by the majority of the Indonesian people, meaning that the law is the majority product, but can be canceled by nine judges of the Constitutional Court. We respect tomorrow's decision. The important thing is that there is a dissenting opinion so that we know there is an internal debate, "concluded Jimly.