FPI, GNPF-U And PA 212 Support Hamas Operations In Palestine Release

JAKARTA - A number of Muslim elements who are members of the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI), the National Movement to Guard the Fatwa Ulama (GNPF-U) and the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 expressed their attitude regarding the implementation of Operation Taufan Al Aqsha by Hamas, which is a component of the struggle for the liberation of Palestine.

FPI DPP chairman Aziz Yanuar said FPI, GNPF-U and PA 212 fully support Hamas' operations as a component of the Palestinian liberation struggle against colonialism, oppression and prolonged illegal occupation of the Israeli Zionist Jewish colonial regime against Palestinians on Palestinian soil.

"The resistance carried out by Hamas is a form of martial arts against adultery and so many human rights violations by the Israeli Zionist Jewish colonialists against the Palestinian people who have been repeated and protected by the United States and its allies," Aziz said when confirmed by VOI, Friday, October 13.

According to him, this is in the context of realizing the independence of the Palestinian people over the occupation of the Israeli Zionists. In addition, the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Jewish colonial regime of the Zionist of Israel is a legitimate defense in accordance with international law, not acts of terrorism.

"In fact, so far, it is the Jewish Zionist Israeli colonialists who always commit acts of terror against the Palestinian people and are always protected by the United States and its allies," he said.

In addition, the Indonesian government is also required to proactively support the struggle of the Palestinian people in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution that colonialism above the world must be abolished.

"We condemn the media which calls Hamas a terrorist. All Arab countries and all Islamic countries in the world must unite to form an Islamic World Defense Pact by sending their respective troops to join the Palestinian people to expel Israeli colonialists from the Palestinian territories, as well as free Al-Aqsha and the Palestinian people from colonialism," he said.

Aziz, FPI, GNPF-U and PA 212 also called on all Muslims to pray Ghaib and read Qunut Nazilah at every five-time prayer for the Palestinian martyrs' fall due to the Israeli Zionist attack.

"The boycott of products related to Israeli Zionists, provides social assistance such as medicines, food and others. Unites to support the Palestinian people's struggle in releasing Palestine and Al Aqsha from the grip of Israeli zionist colonialists," he said.

Hundreds of peaceful demonstrations of solidarity for mujahideen and Muslimin "Palestina Calling" were held in the Horse Statue area, the Monas crossing, Central Jakarta on Friday, October 13, noon.