The Impact Of Kemarau Panjang, Cisadane River Surut Up To 1 Meter

TANGERANG The impact of the long dry season in Greater Tangerang, the Dam of the 10 Cisadane River experienced water shrinking up to 1 meter.

Petugas pintu air 10 Sungai Cisadane, Abdul Maiin menjelaskan bila normalnya tinggi air sungai Cisadane berada di angka 12,40 meter. Kini menyusur menjadi 11.40 meter.

"Here the figure is still 11, it can be said to be dry but can still take water," said Maiin when met at the location, Wednesday, October 11.

Maiin admitted that in her place there had been a shrinkage of up to 10.9 meters. Luckily, they got water sent from the Bogor area, West Java.

"But the lowest here has reached 10.90. It's still safe. And it only lasts three days because it can supply water shipments after Bogor rains even once in August," he said.

Maiin said that if the dry season continues, it will have an impact on drought in a number of sectors.

When asked about the area that would also have an impact, he admitted that he did not know because data collection had to be done first.

"Industry, settlements including PDAM and Irrigation, agriculture," he concluded