Palestinian Foreign Ministry Asks Arab League To Meet To Discuss Escalation Of Israel's Aggression

JAKARTA - The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) has requested an emergency meeting at the Arab League ministerial level to discuss the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has ordered permanent representatives of its country in the Arab League to request a ministerial meeting.

"The move was taken given the "Israel's aggressiveness against Palestinians is increasing," the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 8.

The Hamas group is known to have launched a shocking attack on Israel on Saturday 7 October. The attack was marked by the launch of a rocket and infiltrating dozens of fighters into Israeli cities near the Gaza Strip.

The attack left 300 Israelis dead and 1,500 others injured. Meanwhile, several Israeli soldiers and civilians were arrested by Hamas to be taken to Gaza.

Israel then carried out a retaliatory attack by air on the Gaza Strip. Based on data from the Palestinian Foreign Ministry as a result of Israeli retaliation, more than 250 Palestinians were killed and 1,778 others injured.