Semarang Walkot Calls The Jatibarang TPA Fire In The New Waste Disposal Zone

JATENG - Semarang Mayor (Walkot) Hevearita G. Rahayu said the area where the Jatibarang garbage Opening End (TPA) burned was in an active disposal zone with relatively new waste.

"There are still a lot of new waste disposals to the far west," said Hevearita when checking the condition of the Jatibarang TPA in Semarang, Friday, October 6, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, efforts to extinguish the fire had been carried out by the Fire Department with the help of vehicles from various parties.

He said the fire started from zone 2 with relatively large flames and was added with strong wind conditions.

He hopes that efforts to localize have been made to anticipate the fire so that it does not grow and spread.

"The cause of the fire is not yet known, maybe because the officers were complacent, everything is safe," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of UPTD TPA Jatibarang Semarang Wahyu Heryawan added that the total zone area of 2 and 3 reached around 5 hectares. However, the area of the burned area, he said, could not be ascertained.

Previously, another fire hit the Jatibarang Semarang TPA area on Friday, October 6 afternoon.

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