Counting Freedom Day, Ammar Zoni Is Nervous About Meeting Family

JAKARTA - Ammar Zoni is rumored to be released next week because the results of his trial have been declared inkrah and no appeal has been filed by the Public Prosecutor (JPU). Just counting days, Emile explained the current condition of his client.

Emile explained that on the day of his release, Ammar Zoni's wife, Irish Bella, had not been confirmed to be able to pick up her husband directly. However, it has been confirmed that Aditya Zoni and his father will pick him up.

"I can't confirm yet, it's only possible that Adit and you will pick him up. Even then, if your condition is good," said Emile Oemar at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 3.

In addition, Emile said that his client was nervous about waiting for his time of freedom. Ammar is nervous because he will meet his family and co-workers later.

"What is certain is Ammar last night, Ibel called me that Ammar was nervous about waiting for his release schedule. A few days after the decision he said he was nervous about getting family, working records too, but God willing, it can be faced," he continued.

According to Emile, this is because Ammar feels guilty because he has been involved in this case twice. In addition, 6 months in detention made him even more embarrassed to meet his relatives.

"If the problem is that he stumbled on the same case twice, he has admitted it and that's a mistake. It's just that he's nervous that he hasn't socialized with his community and co-workers for 6 months, his family. Maybe he's nervous or embarrassed maybe that's exactly what it is," he said.