Must Know, This Is A Sign That Motorbike Tires Need To Be Replaced

JAKARTA - Tires are one of the crucial components on motorbikes that must always be properly guarded. Lack of attention to tire conditions can be serious, not only for motorists themselves, but also for other road users.

There are several characteristics of motorcycle tires that should be replaced. So what? This time Andi Saeful, an experienced technician from Planet Ban in Depok, West Java, shared several signs that must be considered to find out when to change motorcycle tires.

"Each tire has a Wear Indicator (TWI) tread located on the palm of the tire. When this indicator reaches a certain limit, it is a sign that the tire must be replaced immediately," he explained.

TWI is usually in the middle of the tire sole, usually on the tire wall there is a triangular sign that directs which indicators of the wear.

However, other signs also need to be considered are the cracks on the side of the tires. However, keep in mind that there is no definite time distance to replace the tires, because this depends on the type of tire and how it is used.

"When we talk about loud tires, we usually need to replace them every two years. But of course this also depends on how to use vehicles," he added.

In addition, it is also necessary to thoroughly check the thickness of the tires. If the middle part of the tires is smooth while the other side still has a good tire flow, it is also a sign that tires need to be replaced. This shows that the thickness of the tires is no longer evenly distributed and can have a negative impact on vehicle performance.

So, remember to always check the condition of the tires regularly. The safety of yourself and other road users depends on the tires that are in good condition. Stay safe on the road!