DDII's Hope For Erick Thohir: Bring The Sharia Economy To Be Successful

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Council of Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia (DDII) Dr. Adian Husaini congratulated the re-electing of Erick Thohir as General Chair of the Islamic Economic Community (MES) for the period 2023-2028.

"We hope that Mr. Erick Thohir and his staff will be able to work physically and mentally to bring this sharia economy in the future to further color the economic life in this country," said Adian in Jakarta, Sunday, October 1.

Adian hopes that the presence of MES can further foster the spirit of the sharia economy in improving the quality of life for Muslims and the nation in general. Adian conveyed that the struggle to realize the sharia economy in Indonesia is very long, and has even been proclaimed since decades ago. Adian said MES can accelerate the sharia economy in the country.

"Hopefully the new management can further improve its role in realizing prosperity, blessings, and improving quality of life," said Adian.

Adian said MES efforts would certainly encourage the role of the sharia economy in bringing benefits to development and society.

Adian conveyed that the sharia economy is not just seeking profit, but also based on faith and noble morals. Adian said efforts to encourage the improvement of the sharia economy also require the cooperation of all parties, including Islamic economic actors in improving services and also exemplary.

"The akhlakul karimah aspect must be accompanied in every sharia economic activity that is not only looking for profit, but also achieving the pleasure of Allah SWT and the blessings of life," said Adian.