TikTok Shop Can Be Blocked If Desperately Not Managing Permits For Selling

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said the government had issued a regulation that social media should not simultaneously become e-commerce.

One of the social media that serves buying and selling transactions is TikTok Shop.

Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname, said that his party would send a letter to social media which still applies as social-commerce to separate social media from e-commerce.

Furthermore, he said, if TikTok still wants the TikTok Shop service to exist, then it must separate its social media platform from e-commerce.

As is known, currently the TikTok Shop service is still in one TikTok application. Meanwhile, the application only has permission as social media.

That way, TikTok can no longer provide TikTok Shop services in the same application.

The regulation is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 31 of 2023. This rule is a replacement for Permendag Number 50 of 2020 which previously took effect.

Furthermore, Zulhas emphasized, if several times they have been warned, but TikTok remains determined to continue the TikTok Shop service, the government will take steps to block it.

"We write that this is a Permendag, (selling on social media) violates. If it violates, we warn the Minister of Communication and Information, write a warning. The second warning is still. (If the third) still (also selling) is blocked. That's the case, that's normal," he said at Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 28.

Still said Zulhas, in Permendag Number 31 of 2023 it has been regulated that social media should not become e-commerce at once on one platform or application.

Therefore, he continued, if you want to serve buying and selling transactions, you must change the permit from social media to social-commerce or e-commerce.

"So social media is okay, there are no problems. Those who can't social-commerce, they have to have their own permission. It's not impossible, it's okay. But you have to get permission," he explained.