OJK: Banks Must Block Accounts Related To Online Gambling
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has given directions to national banks to block accounts that are indicated to be involved in online gambling or online or other illegal activities.
OJK Banking Supervision Chief Executive Dian Ediana Rae stated that this mandate was intended to maintain the integrity of the financial system so that it was carried out regularly, fairly, transparently, and accountably.
"OJK wants to realize a financial system that grows sustainably, stably, and is able to protect the interests of consumers and the community," he said in a written statement, Sunday, September 24.
According to Dian, the steps to uphold the integrity of the banking system are the responsibility of all related parties. Therefore, he hopes for good cooperation between institutions in this sector.
"We encourage collaboration like this to be more targeted in the future to help eradicate economic crimes carried out by utilizing Indonesia's bank accounts and payment systems," he said.
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Previously, OJK had received a letter from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) regarding requests to block a number of accounts involved in online gambling activities. Dian explained that the authorities continued to coordinate with Kominfo and ordered banks to block accounts involved in online gambling activities.
Referring to Article 36A paragraph (1) letter c, Number 33 in Article 14 and Article 52 paragraph (4) letter c number 42 in Article 15 of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU P2SK), in the context of carrying out supervisory duties, OJK has the authority to order banks to block certain accounts.
In addition, in order to strengthen the implementation of governance on the banking industry side, OJK has also issued POJK Number 17 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks, considering that governance is very fundamental in managing a bank's business activities so that it can develop in a healthy and sustainable manner by prioritizing values, ethics, principles, and upholding integrity.
"The authorities will raise cooperation in overcoming problems that are troubling the public, such as online gambling and illegal loans, through checking bank accounts that are misused for illegal use purposes, and ordering them to block," concluded Dian.