Ganjar Said Digitalization Would Save the Central Java Provincial Government IDR 1.2 trillion

SEMARANG – Presidential candidate (Bacapres) Ganjar Pranowo conveyed three foundations for making Indonesia a developed country. The three foundations in question are digitalization in government, eradicating corruption, and doubling the state budget to provide quality services.

He expressed this at the 'Ganjar Responding to Indonesia's Future Challenges' event held by the Indonesian Higher Education Alumni Forum at The Ballroom Djakarta Theatre, Central Jakarta, last Sunday (17/9/2023).

According to Ganjar, the government's digital system must be improved. Such as digitizing tender matters, public services and taxation to eliminate loopholes in criminal acts of corruption. His experience when he served as Governor of Central Java was that financial applications implemented in Central Java were able to prevent budget leaks of up to IDR 1.2 trillion through e-budgeting and e-planning.

Responding to this, Economic Observer from Atmajaya University Yogyakarta, Dr. Y. Sri Susilo agreed and supported the idea of ​​digitalization in government presented by Ganjar. Moreover, this idea has been implemented and succeeded in preventing the leakage of state money amounting to IDR 1.2 trillion.

"As happened in 2018, GRMS Central Java succeeded in preventing a budget leak of Rp. 1.2 trillion. The largest nationally at that time. A budget of that size could be used to encourage economic growth because it was allocated to those that were more useful," said Susilo when contacted Friday (22/9 /2023).

According to him, the Government Resources Management System (GRMS) innovation that was initiated and has been implemented by Ganjar Pranowo has succeeded in encouraging economic growth and maximizing the usefulness of the budget.

"For example, it can be used to build bridges, roads or markets. The impact can grow new economic nodes. Economic growth is automatically encouraged," he said, who is also the central administrator of the Indonesian Economic Scholars Association (ISEI).

GRMS makes Central Java transparent and accountable. By making budget transparency a priority, it can encourage economic growth.

"On a micro level, this system is able to prevent budget leaks. So that the Central Java APBD can be distributed optimally for the benefit of the community," he said.

As is known, GRMS is an integrated application system building for the Central Java Provincial Government. The essence of this system is the integration of data in internal bureaucratic business processes, which in fact is a government financial management system in supporting public services and development.

GRMS is an integrated and centralized government resource management system. This system is used by government agencies in Central Java Province to manage and monitor government resources to make them more effective and efficient.

By being integrated and centralized, GRMS makes it easier for government agencies to make decisions, as well as providing transparency and accountability in managing government resources. This also helps increase the effectiveness and efficiency of managing government resources, as well as strengthening efforts to prevent corruption and fraud in Central Java Province.

There are several important elements of the Central Java Province GRMS, including e-Budgeting, which is a budgeting application that allows government agencies to manage budgets in an integrated and real time manner, speed up the budget planning process, and minimize errors.

Then, e-Planning is a planning application that helps government agencies in preparing programs and activities in an integrated manner to speed up the planning process.

Apart from that, there is also an e-Procurement application, namely an online procurement application for goods and services, which ensures transparency and accountability in the procurement process, as well as minimizing the risk of corruption and fraud.