Not Usually Morning Fog Appears In Bengkulu, BMKG: Caused By Air Not Yet Experiencing

BENGKULU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) revealed that the morning smoke that occurred in Bengkulu in recent times was caused by the air on the surface which had not yet experienced evaporation.

Then, evaporation or air masses rise upwards occur during the day and this can happen because wet particles or water vapor and can also be caused because dry particles aka smoke depend on the conditions around. "The morning fog that occurred in a number of Bengkulu areas was caused because the air on the surface had not been evaporated or the air was still stable," said Head of Data and Information for the BMKG Baai Island Climatology Station Bengkulu Anang Anwar in Bengkulu City, Friday, September 22, was confiscated by Antara. He said, with the presence of water vapor which quite a lot made the growth of clouds even greater, so the chance of rain in the Bengkulu Province area was quite large.

Therefore, a number of areas in Bengkulu have the potential to rain with light to heavy intensity.

Untuk wilayah yang berpotensi terjadi hujan yaitu Kabupaten Mukomuko, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, Kabupaten Kepahiang, Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah, Kabupaten Lebong, Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan dan Kabupaten Kaur.Selain itu, kata Anang, gelombang di wilayah Perairan Bengkulu juga diprediksi mencapai tiga meter sedangkan untuk di wilayah Pulau Enggano dan Samudera Hindia Barat Bengkulu mencapai maksimum empat meter."Dengan memasuki awal musim hujan ini diharapkan untuk memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dengan membersihkan dan memangkas dahan yg berpotensi patah yg berakibat menimpa bangunan dan selalu update info dari BMKG," ujarnya.Selain itu, potensi angin kencang di wilayah Bengkulu beberapa hari ke depan mencapai 25 knots.Untuk angin kencang tersebut disebabkan karena adanya belokan angin di wilayah Sumatera khususnya di Provinsi Bengkulu dengan kondisi cuaca cerah hingga cerah berawan.