Maudy Ayunda's Idea About The Elimination Of Double Choices Is Only Distorting Education Problems In Indonesia

Maudy Ayunda was suddenly bombarded with criticism on social media, because her ideas were not accepted by many netizens. Not long ago, Maudy said she would remove the issue of double choice on school exams if she became Minister of Education and Culture.

"If the assessment is open-ended question, instead ofmultiplechoice (double choice), students will definitely study differently, teachers also learn differently, so in the end those with critical thinking and analyticalizing are compared to memoryization. But beyond that, my biggest mission is to build love for learning in Indonesia," Maudy said, as uploaded on the Tiktok account @felicia.tjiasaka.

But unfortunately Maudy Ayunda's opinion reaped scorn. Many netizens think that the singer of the song Boat Paper does not understand the current condition of education in Indonesia. A netizen even suggested that Maudy Ayunda be experienced in teaching first in public or underdeveloped, Outermost, Frontier, and Border schools.

"It's better to go to public schools first, especially those in remote areas, continue to see the real conditions of the teaching staff there, before grandiose talking about wanting to become ministers," replied @rizkirandom.

Quoted from the website of the Ministry of Finance Learning Center (KL C2), the type of question is divided into two, namely the objective and subjective test (esai or description). The objective test is a test that is arranged in such a way and an alternative answer has been provided. The objective form test can be sorted into a completely wrong test, match-up, and multiple choice test.

Regarding the multiple choice test discussed by Maudy Ayunda, it is considered to have some shortcomings, including that students do not have the opportunity to develop their own answers, there is a tendency for students not to learn deeply, and limitations in modifying learning activities.

However, according to the National Coordinator of the Education and Teacher Association (P2G) Satriwan Salim, what Maudy Ayunda said about her plan to abolish double choice if she became the Minister of Education and Culture was only a technical problem. Satriwan said that the problem of education in Indonesia is much bigger than just removing the issue of multiple choice.

This statement distorts the issue of national education. Because the problem of national education is not just a matter of multiple choice or essay. Regarding double choice, if it encourages children to think cognitively. Bad double choices only reach the cognitive level one. If teachers are able to make a double choice with a cognitive level of 4.5.6, that's good," said Satriwan during a conversation with VOI.

Satriwan added, seeing the current condition of Indonesia's education, the dream of removing the question of multiple choice is difficult to materialize. The reason is, the teaching staff in Indonesia itself is not adequate.

Especially if we don't turn a blind eye to the facts on the ground, where one teacher in public schools is very likely to teach up to 10 classes, with about 40 students per class. Satriwan also highlighted the privilege of a Maudy, which most children in Indonesia may not feel.

What Maudy said was just a technical issue that was discussed. Maudy doesn't feel like teaching at public elementary schools, one teacher can teach 10-15 classes. Regarding multiple choices, it's not without reason, Kangaroo's time is not just to correct the problem. Just imagine if all essays are essays," Satriwan added.

Besides that, Maudy also has privileges. She goes to an elite private school, so she doesn't feel the condition in public schools.

We all know that Indonesian education has such complex problems. Starting from the problem of bullying in schools, unequal resources, to appreciation for teachers in the regions who feel lacking.

Not to mention the issue of the literacy level in Indonesia which is still very low. Quoted from the official DPR website, according to an assessment based on the Community Literacy Development Index (IPLM), Indonesia's score in 2022 is 64.48 out of a 1-100 scale. This figure is considered still not encouraging and continues to be an alarming national problem.

This is what according to Satriwan, which should be the main concern, not just a problem with multiple choices.

"He should convey a message about national education that is more important, for example, about literacy and numerization figures. As we know, one of our two children has not achieved minimal skills in the field of literacy and numerization," Satriwan explained.

Regarding teachers. Teacher problems in Indonesia are very complex. Teacher welfare is very low, non-ASN teachers do not have decent honorariums, there are still Rp. 500 thousand a month. Teacher competence is also still homework, uneven distribution of teachers. Teachers are only centralized in cities where infrastructure and infrastructure are adequate. In villages that are categorized as 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost Areas) is very far from adequate.