Secretary General Of PPP: Will Candidate Ganjar Convey To Sandiaga And Mahfud MD

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the United Development Party (PPP) DPP Arwani Thomafi said that the candidates for vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Ganjar Pranowo had reduced to two names, namely Sandiaga Uno and Mahfud MD.

"Many have asked me whether the names that have been mentioned include Mbak Puan (Puan Maharani), by the Secretary General of PDIP (Hasto Kristiyanto) have narrowed only two names, Mr. Sandi and Pak Mahfud," said Arwani as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 19.

However, Arwani admitted that he could not confirm the information.

"But surely the names will continue to be narrowed, yes, along with discussions at the level of the leaders carrying Ganjar. So whatever the result is from the discussion and decision making," he said.

Arwani only confirmed that the name of the Chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) PPP Sandiaga Uno was included in the discussion of the candidate for vice presidential candidate Ganjar, as mandated by Rapimnas VI PPP.

"If the basis of the statements of the coalition political figures carrying Ganjar Pranowo, then we can see from the names mentioned that there are always Pak Sandi's name, in accordance with the mandate of Rapimnas VI PPP," he said.

Arwani emphasized that his party would be committed to following the stages of the process of determining the prospective vice presidential candidate for Ganjar's companion, even though in the end it was not Sandiaga's name who was side by side with Ganjar.

"We will follow the stages of discussion, discussion, decision making who is Ganjar's vice presidential candidate later, we will together succeed in whatever decision from the party that is part of the coalition or political cooperation that carries Ganjar," he said.

Previously, the chairman of the PDI-P DPP, Puan Maharani, said that the figures of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Ridwan Kamil were no longer possible to accompany Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for vice president along with differences in the coalition.

"At first, Mas AHY's name appeared, but because the Democrats have decided to go to Pak Prabowo, yes, of course it seems impossible. Mr. RK (Ridwan Kamil) too, Golkar is already with Pak Prabowo," said Puan when met at Ponpes Al Hamid, Jakarta, Monday (18/9).

Puan said there are a number of names that have the opportunity to accompany Ganjar Pranowo, such as Erick Thohir, Sandiaga Uno, Andika Perkasa, and Mahfud MD.