Indonesian National Museum: Traces Of Archipelago's History And Cultural Wealth

The Indonesian National Museum, also known as the Elephant Museum, is one of the historical places that should not be missed in Jakarta. This museum is located on Jalan Merdeka Barat 12, Central Jakarta, and is considered the largest and oldest museum in Southeast Asia.

The long history of this museum began on April 24, 1778 when academics in the Dutch East Indies co-founded Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen (Centure of Batavia Arts and Sciences). This association aims to advance science through the development of museums. The building and the initial collection were provided by JCM Radermacher, chairman of the association, and became the basis for the establishment of the museum.

However, on Saturday, September 16, 2023, the National Museum experienced fires that caused damage to parts of the museum. The fire is a tragic incident that must be addressed by authorities and the historical community.

Nonetheless, the museum has a Klasisism-style building built in 1862. The building reflects the strong influence of Europe in the 18th century and was used in response to the spirit of the then Brightening Century.

This museum collection includes various historical and cultural artifacts from all over the archipelago. This collection includes ancient statues, inscriptions, handicrafts, and more. The Elephant Museum is also known as one of the most complete museums in Indonesia with more than 140,000 collections, although only a small part can be shown to the public.

One of the most interesting collections in this museum is theacterial statue, the manifestation of Dewa Lokeswara or Awalokiteswara, which is thought to date from the 13th to the 14th centuries. This statue has a height of 414 cm and has a special meaning in the context of Buddhism.

In addition to the presentation of the collection, the National Museum is also active in conducting various educational activities such as seminars, discussions, thematic exhibitions, and workshops. This museum is a place rich in knowledge and experience for its visitors.

The National Museum of Indonesia is a cultural treasure that enriches understanding of the history and rich culture of the archipelago, despite experiencing challenges in the form of fires on Saturday, September 16, 2023.