KNKT-Kemenhub Reveals The Context Of ESAF Honda Motors Experience Improvements, Here Are The Results Of The Research
JAKARTA - The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) together with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) said that currently the ensemble frame (eSAF) of Honda motorcycles, which are rampant in broken cases, is undergoing improvement.
"It is hoped that the public will not need to worry because the repair process is currently in the process of course to prioritize motorized vehicles that are safe in the future. The results of research conducted by the research team have been followed up," said the Director General (Ditjen) of Land Transportation (Hubdat) of the Ministry of Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno in his official statement, Friday, September 15, confiscated by Antara.
According to him, his party will continue to strive to be neutral in conducting research or disclosure of the eSAF framework which is rumored to have carat and Kropos in several parts.
"We together with the NTSC will oversee and oversee the process of examining and handling this eSAF framework," he said.
The parties involved in the research on the eSAF framework of the PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) motorcycle also saw firsthand the process of making an eSAF framework at the Honda motorcycle factory in the Karawang Indotaise Industrial Estate on Friday, September 1.
PT AHM made an eSAF framework from raw material in the form of High Strength Steel (HSS) which was processed into a frame and then coating was carried out using the CED (Cathodic Electro Deposition) method by tapping (bag).
Hendro said AHM was also cooperative in this case. AHM invited the researchers to see firsthand the product quality control process starting from the incoming material, press, welding and coating stages.
Control items including the dimensions and thickness of the coating process results have been carried out and have met global standard manufacturing requirements.
Based on the results of a finite element method calculation and validated actual testing at a facility owned by AHM, it can be said that the eSAF frame structure is quite strong and does not have a critical area or a fatigue with a high stress load. The voltage that occurs is still far below the yield point (elastic limit) of the frame material.
To present balanced facts, the researchers also conducted research on consumer motorcycles. Based on the results of the examination, it was found that there were carats in the interior of the frame.
However, he said, the section was due to not being coated with coatings and a lower disposal hole that had the potential to be covered with dirt so that the water could be clogged and had the potential to cause the air to moist around the frame.
To follow up on this, the Directorate General of Hubdat and the NTSC asked PT AHM to be able to optimize the method of protecting the framework from comprehensive corrosion.
Therefore, PT AHM also asked the public to be actively involved in solving this problem. His party has provided inspection and handling services by providing 24-hour services through the Honda 1-500-989 contact center which can be accessed from all over Indonesia or come directly to the nearest AHASS workshop.