Ever Experienced A Mistis Story In Yogyakarta, Della Dartyan Enthusiastically Played In The Film The Story Of The Land Of Java

JAKARTA - After finishing starring in the Film Sleep Call, now Della Dartyan is seen participating in the horror film The story of Tanah Jawa: Pocong Gundul which is taken from the story in the book of the same name.

In the press conference, this 33-year-old explained the reason she wanted to participate in this latest film project. Where the reason comes from the true story experienced by Della.

He explained that he was a woman who was born and spent childhood in the city of Yogyakarta, especially in the Demangan area. In that city there is a urban legend story that until now he still remembers.

"I'm really happy to be working with them and this is actually quite a fun fact as to why I want to take this project. So I was born and little in Jogja and I've heard this story when I was a child. What kind of urban legend was it at that time in Jogja," said Della Dartyan in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, September 13.

When he was little, this Love for Sale film player told me that residents in his village never dared to come out above 6 pm. This was done because the residents there were afraid that someone would knock on their door.

"When I was a child, the small people in Jogja were my area, yes, my area is in the Demangan area, in the area, above 6 o'clock they were afraid to leave the house, because they were afraid to knock on the door so when this project appeared I was very happy to be working together and taking part in this project," he continued.