Ganjar Appears In Azan Show, Gerindra: Please Bawaslu Judge

JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, responded to the emergence of a presidential candidate from PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo, in an call to prayer on television stations.Habiburokhman was reluctant to assess this issue. According to him, the party who has the right to assess whether Ganjar's appearance contains a campaign or not is the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu)."Yes, we leave it to Bawaslu, that's it. Right, he said Bawaslu has processed this case. Please Bawaslu assess," said Habiburokhman when met at the Gerindra DPP Office, South Jakarta, Sunday, September 10.Habiburokhman is also waiting for steps from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) as a public broadcasting supervisory agency."They have the authority, in the context of sweeping, there is KPI, in the context of electoralism there is Bawaslu. Please do them a job. We'll wait," he said.For information, the appearance of Ganjar's figure in the call to prayer on private television stations has become a topic of conversation. In the show, Ganjar wore white koko clothes, batik sarongs, and black caps.Ganjar seemed to shake the ranks of other worshipers who arrived at the mosque for congregational prayers. It was also shown how Ganjar performed ablution, and performed prayers in one row behind the priest as a makmum.
This was responded to by the Chairman of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja. Bagja said that his party was reviewing whether there was an element of electoral violation in the broadcast."We are currently reviewing it," Bagja told reporters.