Banjar Regent Holds Istisqa Prayer With Thousands Of Congregants

Banjar Regent, South Kalimantan, Saidi Mansyur and Deputy Regent Said Idrus Al Habsy along with thousands of worshipers held the Istisqa Prayer asking for help immediately to rain.

The leader of the Tahfizul Islamic Boarding School, Quran Martapura, KH Muhammad Wildan Salman, prayed for the rain in the main room of the Great Mosque, Al Karomah Martapura, Banjar.

"We all pray and ask for forgiveness while asking Allah to immediately rain so that our area is free from forest and land fires and drought," said Regent Saidi after the Istisqa prayer reported by ANTARA, Thursday, September 7.

South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor represented by Regional Secretary Roy Rizali Anwar was also present in the midst of thousands of worshipers attending prayers with the aim of asking for rain to be sent.

"We all pray that it will rain for the safety of the banua from the dry season, forest and land fires and drought that occurred in almost all areas of South Kalimantan," said Roy Rizali.

Roy said that his party was grateful to the religious scholars, religious leaders and community leaders as well as congregants who had attended the Istisqa Prayer and it was hoped that Allah SWT's request would be granted.

"Hopefully, what we ask for together will be granted by Allah SWT and it will rain soon so that our area is free from the threat of forest and land fires and drought which has a very wide impact," said Roy.

Meanwhile, the preacher for the Istisqa prayer KH Hasanuddin Badruddin said that currently the Banua area was tested for rain which caused forest and land fires (Karhutla), as well as drought.

"We invite all worshipers to repent and stay away from behavior that is contrary to the Shari'a of the Prophet Muhammad. We must come back and ask Allah SWT for forgiveness," said KH Hasanuddin.

The Istisqa prayer which was held in the largest mosque in Banjar Regency was also attended by a number of elements of Forkopimda and officials of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government as well as officials within the Banjar Regency Government and other employees.