Duh, ASEAN Loses 100 Billion US Dollars A Year Due To Climate Change

JAKARTA - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is known to be increasingly concerned about the global issues of natural disasters and climate change.

IMF's Managing Director, Kristinewa, said the move was based on the impact of climate change which could pose a significant risk.

"This risk also threatens the stability of the financial sector," he said on the agenda of the Indonesia Sustainability Forum 2023 in Jakarta, Thursday, September 7.

According to Crystal, the Southeast Asia region also cannot be separated from the issue of climate change. In fact, he said that the ASEAN region suffered considerable losses as a result of natural disasters due to climate change.

"We have estimated that ASEAN loses around 100 million dollars of the economy every year due to disasters," he stressed.

Crystal also explained that there was an increase in the earth's temperature twice as fast as the average that occurs per year. He said the situation was pushing weather conditions to be more extreme.

"This makes four countries in ASEAN, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand included in the top 10 countries with the largest climate risk level in the world," he said.

Dan Indonesia tidak jauh dari itu (ancaman perubahan iklim). Indonesia ada ancaman tersendiri dari bencana alam, yaitu kenaikan persur air laut, tuturnya.