Investigating Allegations Of Harassment Of Miss Universe Indonesia Contest, Polda Metro Checks Reporting Today

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya continues to investigate the alleged sexual harassment case by the Miss Universe Indonesia 2023 event committee. Most recently, investigators will examine a reporter, today. "Today, the agenda for the examination of the reported 3 on behalf of Sarah," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Thursday, September 7. Then, in handling the case, investigators have also examined Poppy Capella who is also the reporter. The examination was carried out on Wednesday, September 6. "Yesterday, an investigation was carried out by the reported 1 on behalf of Poppy," Trunoyudo said. Case of alleged sexual harassment at the Miss Universe Indonesia beauty contest is known to have gone up to the investigation stage. This event was organized by PT CSK as the Event Organizer (EO). "A case title has been carried out to raise it to an investigation process," said Trunoyudo.

The alleged harassment case that occurred on August 1, has been reported and registered with the number LP/B/4598/VII/2023 SPKT POLDA METRO JAYA.