OJK Closes 737 Illegal Loans Throughout August 2023

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that throughout August 2023 it had succeeded in eradicating 737 illegal online loan entities.

"A significant increase occurred in the termination of 737 illegal online loan entities in August 2023," said OJK Commissioner for Education and Consumer Protection Friderica Widyasari Dewi at a press conference for the August 2023 RDK which was held virtually, Tuesday, September 5.

Meanwhile, from January 1 to August 31, 2023, the Task Force (Satgas) has suspended 1,339 illegal financial entities consisting of 18 illegal investment entities and 1,321 illegal online loan entities.

Frederica also said that in terms of consumer protection, from early January to 31 August 2023, the OJK had received 198,828 service requests, including 14,374 complaints, 40 complaints indicated violations, and 1,466 disputes that were included in the Financial Services Sector Dispute Settlement Alternative Institution (LAPS SJK).

"From these complaints, 6,693 are complaints from the banking sector, 3,475 are complaints from the financial technology industry, 2,793 are industrial complaints from finance companies, 1,147 are complaints from the insurance industry and the rest are services from the capital market sector and other IKNB," explained Frederica.

Regarding the incoming complaints through the Consumer Protection Portal Application (APPK), he said, the OJK continues to encourage the settlement of complaints, both indicated for disputes and classified as indications of violations.

Terkait hal tersebut, terdapat 12.212 pengaduan atau sebesar 84,96 persen yang terselesaikan penanganannya melalui proses Internal Dispute Resolution oleh PUJK, dan sebanyak 2.162 pengaduan atau 15.04 persen sedang dalam proses penyelesaian.