Vice President Ma'ruf Amin: LPH Determines Success Of Halal Product Guarantee System

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that the role of the halal inspection agency (LPH) determines the success of implementing the halal product guarantee system in the country."The success of the halal product guarantee system is determined by the optimization of the role of quality halal examining institutions, from regional, national, to international levels," he said while delivering a speech via online at the Institute for Food Studies, Medicines, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council. Halal Award 2023 in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, September 4.Until now, the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council or LPPOM MUI has shown high performance in completing halal certification.Around 75 percent of Indonesia's certified halal products are the result of an audit from LPPOM MUI. The seriousness and dedication of LPPOM MUI since 1989, according to him, has made LPPOM MUI an audit agency for trusted international halal products with dozens of partners spread across various countries.He also stated that the increase in demand and consumption of halal products should be utilized as well as possible in order to make significant contributions to the national economy."This condition requires business actors to be able to produce quality and global competitive halal products. Continuous innovation and improvement are necessity," he said.According to him, business actors are required to produce quality halal products while still paying attention to social conditions and environmental sustainability.He conveyed that the Halal Product Guarantee Law requires halal certification for products circulating and traded in Indonesia."There is only one year left to complete the obligation of halal certificates for all products in Indonesia," he said.Therefore, the Vice President invites all parties to work together to accelerate the implementation of the obligation to halal certification from upstream to downstream, from halal certification of meat in slaughterhouses to food traded in culinary tourism sites.According to him, important things that must be done together include increasing literacy regarding halal certification of business actors and the community.In addition, he continued, it is also important to increase the competence of human resources involved in the halal certification process and the use of digital technology to improve halal certification services."The strengthening of collaboration and synergy across stakeholders. Set aside sectoral interests first so that the target of accelerating halal certification can be achieved on time," he said.
The Vice President congratulated the company and business actors who were nominated and won an award at the LPPOM MUI Halal Award 2023. He hopes that the Indonesian halal industry will continue to advance and contribute significantly to improving people's welfare.