Getting To Know Retail Sukuk: Safe And Cuan Investment Products

YOGYAKARTA Retail sukuk is one of the investment products that lacks risk but provides many benefits. Not only that, this instrument also applies sharia principles in the management of its funds. Well, for those who want to buy this product for investment diversification, you need to get to know more retail sukuk along with the profits it offers. Come on, read until the following article is finished.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Finance, retail sukuk is a state securities that are managed with sharia principles. Retail sukuk is offered by the government to individual citizens and can be an investment option that is same, easy, affordable, and profitable.

Because it is managed by sharia principles, retail sukuk does not contain Maysir elements (judies), gharar (unexplanedness) and usury (usury), and has been declared in accordance with sharia by the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI).

Retail sukuk was issued with the structure of the ijarah Aseet to be Leassed contract. The proceeds from the issuance will be used for investment activities in the form of purchasing the right to benefit State Property to be leased to the Government and procuring projects to be leased to the Government. The returns come from the profit from these investment activities.

The calculation of the reward is adjusted to the amount of investment principal and the period of investment carried out. The government will pay the reward once a month.

When it is due, the government will return all the principal investments. However, retail sukuk investors can also trade it in the secondary market to get a return before it matures.

Investors have the potential to get capital gains if they sell retail sukuk at a higher price than the purchase price after taking into account transaction fees.

Some of the benefits investors get when buying retail sukuk, among others:

That's the information about retail sukuk. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.