Not Attending Anies-Cak Imin Declaration In Surabaya, PKS Apologizes

JAKARTA - PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu apologized for not being able to attend the declaration event of Anies Baswedan- Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin as the presidential and vice presidential candidate of the Coalition for Amendments to Unity (KPP) in Surabaya, East Java, today. However, Syaikhu admitted that he had contacted the General Chairperson of PKB to confirm the invitation letter given to PKS. "But I am calling (Cak Imin), thank you for the letter that has been given, we only apologize for not being able to attend the event in Surabaya," said Syaikhu at a press conference at the PKS DPP Office, South Jakarta, Saturday, September 2. Syaikhu said PKS welcomed the joining of PKB in the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) which brought Anies Rasyid Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. According to him, the joining of PKB to KPP will further strengthen his enthusiasm to win Anies to become the 8th president of the Republic of Indonesia. "God willing, we are increasingly optimistic to win in the 2024 presidential election, to realize a just, prosperous and dignified Indonesia," he said.

PKS, continued Syaikhu, also respects the decision of the NasDem Party and PKB which have declared the Anies-Cak Imin pair as presidential and vice presidential candidates who will run in the 2024 presidential election. However, said Syaikhu, PKS will still carry the name of the General Chairperson of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin to be discussed and determined as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) whose party is promoted to the Syuro Council.

Referring to the PKS Articles of Association, Syaikhu emphasized that the authority to determine presidential and vice-presidential candidates lies with the Syuro Council as the party's highest deliberation panel consisting of representatives of PKS members from all over Indonesia.

Where, in the results of the 8th Shura Council deliberation, PKS has appointed Anies Rasyid Baswedan as a candidate for presidential candidate promoted by PKS.

"Adapun rekomendasi nama Bapak Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar sebagai bakal calon wakil presiden, insya Allah akan diusulkan untuk dibahas pada musyawarah Majelis Syuro Partai Keadilan Sejahtera," kata Syaikhu. Syaikhu juga mengungkapkan, PKS memahami dan menghormati keputusan Partai Demokrat yang telah menyatakan keluar dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan, serta mencabut dukungan terhadap pencalonan Anies Baswedan sebagai bakal capres 2024. "Sesungguhnya, kami masih sangat berharap Partai Demokrat untuk bisa tetap berada dalam Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan dan mengusung saudara Anies Rasyid Baswedan sebagai bacapres Republik Indonesia," ungkap Syaikhu.