West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Accompanied 518 Nagari Wali Managing Village Funds

The West Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (West Sumatra) accompanied 518 Nagari Mayors (village levels) throughout West Sumatra in managing and using village funds.

"The West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office is ready to investigate and reduce the risk of using village funds so that they are in accordance with the laws and regulations," said Head of the West Sumatra Attorney General's Office Asnawi in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

The assistance was agreed in a memorandum of understanding signed by Kajati Asnawi with the Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi in a coordination meeting with the Nagari Walis in Padang on Wednesday (31/8) night.

Regarding this cooperation, he asked the Nagari Walis to come to the Prosecutor's Office when they experience doubts or need legal opinion regarding the use of village funds.

"The Prosecutor's Office is ready to provide assistance and input to Wali Nagari, because we realize that Wali Nagari is not necessarily an expert in the field of law, finance, or administration," he explained.

Assistance, continued Asnawi, was carried out by the Prosecutor's Office to ensure that village funds that had been disbursed by the government were used/managed according to the law and regulations.

According to him, the same agreement at the central level of the Indonesian Attorney General was carried out with the Ministry of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration in March 2023 regarding the use of village funds.

"I would like to quote the message of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia that the escort of village funds is carried out humanely, lest a Nagari Wali go to prison because of their ignorance," he explained.

However, Asnawi still reminded that the use of village funds should pay attention to the principles of benefits and goals in the community.

"Whatever is built with village funds must really benefit the community, not just being built but not being useful," he explained.

Asnawi said that in guarding village funds, his party as law enforcement officers prioritized efforts to prevent irregularities or misappropriation, in addition to taking legal action.

On the other hand, the Nagari Wali coordination meeting which was held on Wednesday and Thursday was attended by 518 Nagari Mayors from various regions in West Sumatra.

At the opening, the Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi asked the Nagari Walis to really use village funds as well as possible and according to the provisions, so that it is beneficial for the people in their respective regions.