Avoid Pedestrians Allegedly The Cause Of Deadly Accident Eka Cepat Bus Crashed With Sugeng Rahayu Bus In Ngawi

NGAWI - Ngawi Resort Police (Polres) officers are investigating the cause of the Eka Cepat Bus accident with the Sugeng Rahayu Bus on the Magetan-Ngawi route, Tambakromo Village, Geneng District, Ngawi Regency, East Java, Thursday, which resulted in four people dying.

The Ngawi Police Chief AKBP Argo Wiyono led the process of examining the crime scene (TKP) at the location. Police data states that the four people who died in the incident were the drivers of each bus, the driver for the Eka Bus, and one pedestrian.

Preliminary results, the frontal crash of the two buses was caused by avoiding a pedestrian crossing the road.

"The incident started when the Eka Bus was traveling from Ngawi towards Madiun. At the location, the Eka Bus tried to avoid pedestrians. Until finally, it hit the Sugeng Rahayu Bus from the opposite direction," said AKBP Argo Wiyono to journalists as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

Police officers assisted by volunteers evacuated the Eka bus driver with the identity Catur, a resident of Boyolali, Central Java. Catur's body was pinned to the wrecked bus body.

The evacuation process lasted for about 3 hours until finally the body was successfully removed from the wreckage of the wrecked bus and immediately taken to Dr. Soeroto Ngawi Hospital.

It was observed that the right front body of the Eka Bus was destroyed, while the Sugeng Rahayu Bus, the top and right side of the bus were detached from the frame.

According to temporary data collection, a total of 15 passengers from the two buses were injured. The injured victims were evacuated to a number of hospitals, namely RSUD Dr. Soeroto and Geneng Hospital.

Meanwhile, three other victims who died have also been evacuated to the mortuary of Dr Soeroto Hospital. They were the driver assistant of the Eka Bus, pedestrians, and the driver of the Sugeng Rahayu Bus, Agus Susanto, who was thrown out of the bus during the incident.

After the victims were evacuated, the Ngawi Police then evacuated the bodies of the two buses which were wrecked and covered the road. The Magetan-Ngawi route experienced traffic jams due to the evacuation process.

Officers then temporarily closed the main route and diverted it to a number of alternative village roads around the location for the smooth evacuation of the bus wreck.