There Is A Potential For Abrasion Of The South Coast Of Kulon Progo, The Boss Of AP I Ensures YIA Airport Is Safe

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) or AP1 as the manager of Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) ensures that the condition of this airport remains safe in the event of abrasion on the South Coast of Kulon Progo.
AP1 President Director Faik Fahmi said the construction or building of YIA Airport was designed to mitigate the risk of natural disasters. So it is believed that it is strong to prevent natural disasters such as abrasion, earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis.
YIA Airport is very mitigating the possibility that disaster risk can withstand disasters that can withstand earthquakes up to 8.8. Tsunamis can also be mitigated. Passengers are above if there is a tsunami, it can be mitigated," he said at a media gathering, in Jakarta, written Thursday, August 31.
In addition to earthquake resistant, Faik also claimed that YIA Airport was also able to withstand volcanic ash with a thickness of up to 5 cm.
"When a mountain erupts, for example, the airport can withstand ash up to 5 cm. We have anticipated everything related to the disaster well," he said.
As previously reported, YIA Airport, located on the southern coast of Kulon Progo, is threatened with abrasion. To overcome this impact, Angkasa Pura I has asked the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to take precautions.
"The concept is in the form of a grin. It is still in the form of a concept and there is no funds. The concept already exists," said the Commitment Making Officer or PPK Sungai Pantai II Sony Santoso in Kulon Progo, Thursday, July 6.
Just so you know,groin is a coastal protective structure built to trap coastal drifts or slow coastal erosion, in a narrow shape and measured parallel to the coast, and its length can vary from tens to hundreds of meters.
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Sony said that the work on the group will be carried out after the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). He said, his party has also collaborated with the Yogyakarta Regional Government (Pemda) and Angkasa Pura I for the construction of a temporary wall.
According to Sony, the acceleration of the construction of the grain is just waiting for approval and follow-up from the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono.
"Just waiting for the approval of the follow-up from the minister. When you withdraw for a few years there will be a change whether the coastline changes and that becomes an additional study when you want to be implemented," concluded Sony.