Police Wait For The Autopsy Results Of Blitar MTs Students Who Died Persecuted

BLITAR - The Blitar City Resort Police (Polres), East Java, is still waiting for the autopsy results of victims of violence at a Madrasah Tsanawiyah (sMP level) in Blitar Regency, which caused the victim to die.

"The victim has been autopsied by a forensic medical team from the Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital with the approval of the two parents of the victim's child and his family. Meanwhile, investigators are still waiting for the results of their official examination," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Blitar City Police, AKP Galih Putra Samudra, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 26.

His party is also still investigating this case. The autopsy process has been completed and immediately handed over to the family for burial.

"After an autopsy was carried out, the victim's body was handed over to the family for a funeral," he said.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators have now been taken to the Blitar City Police for examination. The case in question is handled by the Blitar City Police PPA Unit and is still being investigated.

Violence in schools occurred in a country's tasanawiyah madrasah (MTs) in Blitar Regency, carried out by fellow friends.

The case occurred on Friday (25/8) during the changing hours of study with the victim MA, a 9th grade student, and the perpetrator of beating KR, a 9th grader.

Prior to the incident, Thursday (24/8) the perpetrator entered the victim's classroom and was asked by the victim why he entered another class. Allegedly, it caused the victim to be offended.

When the change of hours took place, the perpetrator entered the victim's classroom to the victim's seat screaming. At that time, his other friends had tried to get in the way but were released.

The perpetrator approached the victim's seat and immediately hit up to three times (regarding vital body parts, namely the back neck and chest without any resistance from the victim.

The incident was very short, less than five minutes. At that time, the victim immediately fell, unconscious.

The victim was immediately immediately given first aid, by being taken to the UKS room at the school. However, because he was unconscious, the madrasa immediately took him to the hospital in Srengat, for examination, until the victim was declared dead.

Head of the Madrasah Education Section (Pendma) of the Blitar Regency Ministry of Religion, Baharuddin, said that his party regretted this incident and had submitted the case to the police.