After Cutting Dozens Of Palm Tree, The Median Arrangement Project For Jalan Udayana Mataram Expenditures Rp600 Million Completed

NTB - The Mataram City Environment Agency (DLH) completed the arrangement of the 1.8 kilometer Udayana Street median.

"Alhamdulillah, the arrangement of the median road along Jalan Udayana has finally been completed. Now we just need to paint and most importantly take care of the future," said Head of DLH Mataram City HM Kemal Islam in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, August 24, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the road median arrangement project was carried out in three stages with a total budget of Rp600 million. In one stage, the budget is Rp200 million.

"Of the 1.8 kilometers of road media that have been arranged, which will be carried out in 2023 with a budget of Rp600 million, it is around 600 meters. The rest, we will do it by the end of 2022," he said.

According to him, the arrangement of the median road on Udayana Street was a follow-up to the cutting of dozens of palm trees which had been considered to interfere with flower growth on the median road.

The number of palm trees along Jalan Udayana which was cut down in stages is around 80 trees. The felling was carried out because the inside of the palm tree was porous, so it was feared that it would fall when there was a strong wind.

In addition, the roots of the palm trees are dangerous and damage the gardens filled with flowers and ornamental plants around them, so that if the palm trees are left their roots will beat the existing flower plants.

"So it's better if we sacrifice palm trees than the flowers around them are damaged, because almost every year we do insertion twice but always lose to palm roots," he said.

That's why, he continued, after being cut down, DLH did not make the same type of tree to be planted on Udayana Street.

"However, we choose the flowering type of flower to beautify the Udayana road," he concluded.