West Sumatra Agam Regency Government Disburses IDR 6.5 Billion To Build 10 Bridges, This Is The Distribution

The Agam Regency Government, West Sumatra, has allocated Rp6.5 billion in the 2023 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (BPBD) to build 10 bridge units. This bridge will facilitate access to residents.Head of the Agam Ofrizon Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency said that currently the bridge construction process has reached an average of 25 percent."The bridge will be completed soon and can be used by the community in mid-December 2023," he said accompanied by the Head of Highways, Gani Basya in Lubuk Basung, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 23.Details of 10 bridge units, namely, two units in Kamang Magek District each in Bansa with a budget of Rp1.1 billion and in Tambuo with a budget of Rp976 million.Two units in Tanjung Mutiara District are in Jorong Labuhan with a budget of IDR 1.8 billion and in Ujuang Guguang Bukik Batu Apuang with a budget of IDR 700 million.Furthermore, two units in Tanjung Raya District are located in Tangah Nagari Koto Gadang Anam Koto with a budget of IDR 280 million and in Tangah with a budget of IDR 365 million.Then two units in Lubuk Basung District are in Durian Labu Dusun Padang Baru Lubuk Jua Manggopoh with a budget of Rp190 million and the security of the Batam Simpang bridge with a budget of Rp100 million.After that in Jorong Muaro, Nagari Koto Rantang, Palupuh District with a budget of Rp. 308 million and rehabilitation of the Rajang Bawang Tuo bridge, Ampek Nagari District with funds of Rp. 121 million."The construction of the bridge will certainly shorten the time and increase people's accessibility to schools, markets, workplaces and others," he said.The Agam Regency Government continues to build infrastructure, especially bridges and roads, because it is an access connecting the community to other areas.
"The government continues to be determined to build infrastructure to facilitate access in improving the economic, education and tourism sectors," he said.