5 Healthy Ways To Express Jealousy

JAKARTA - If you experience jealousy in your partner in today's love relationship. You don't have to hide it in your heart because this is unhealthy if done. However, expressing feelings explosively or aggressively to your partner is also not the best approach.

A healthy way to express jealousy is to be honest and open, but also to be sensitive to your partner's emotions and boundaries.

Some people are more prone to jealousy, especially people with low self-esteem, insecure, anxiety, loneliness and fear of being left behind. Take time to look back at your reaction to your partner's behavior which causes jealousy can provide insight into what is going on. And what is trying to express such feelings of jealousy. Consider discussing this feeling with a therapist or good friend.

It's best not to start a conversation with high emotions or anger, advises Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, quoted from Very Well Mind, Tuesday, August 22. If possible, take some time to write down what you want to say before. This can help you gather your thoughts. Practice talking to yourself or having a casual conversation with friends. Train your breathing in and mentally before the conversation, if the method works for you.

Your partner will easily take a defensive stance if you start to mention the cause of jealousy. Instead, pay attention to your feelings and worries, instead of blaming or accusing.

For example, consider using the statement "Aku", rather than the statement "You". Like;

Say, "I feel jealous when I see you doing X, and I want to talk about it" rather than "You make me so jealous when doing X".

Say, "I want to share this feeling of jealousy" rather than, "You're making me so jealous lately!"

Even if you express this feeling as sensitive as possible, your partner will have its own way of responding to it. Remember, you tell your partner if his actions trigger jealousy. It's understandable that he will respond defensively or annoyedly. Try giving your partner space. Don't forget, he may need time to digest all of this.

Have discussions with your partner in the hope that he can hear how you feel and express his feelings. This conversation can also serve as an opportunity to discuss "regulations" of relationships in order to minimize jealousy. For example, you are not allowed to contact your ex or are prohibited from going alone with your friends of the opposite sex. You and your partner must clearly apply limits on this.

Jealousy is a complex and uncomfortable emotion, but often appears in romantic relationships. No need to be ashamed if you experience jealousy because this is a normal form of emotion.

Therefore, it is important to find a healthy way to express it. Convey it calmly and if possible give your partner space to process what you are saying.