Caught Hand Burning Forest Land, Kotim Police Snares Perpetrator With 15 Years In Prison
To preserve the forest, the East Kotawaringin Police, Central Kalimantan, ensnared anyone who deliberately burned land and forests in Handil Sohor Village, Mentaya Hilir Selatan District in accordance with the provisions with a legal sanction of 15 years in prison.
Accompanied by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Lajun Siado Rio Sianturi and the Jaya Karya Police Chief, AKP Supriyono, he explained that the Jaya Karya Police initially received information on hotspots in Handil Sohor Village, then Jaya Karya Police personnel went down to check the location of the hot spot coordinate.
It turned out that someone with the initials S (51) was found who was still at the location. The man was caught red-handed with the evidence that had been secured.
Based on the initial examination, he owns an area of 1.25 hectares, but the area of burned land reaches 7 hectares, because there is land owned by other people that caught fire due to activities carried out by the suspect.
"We suspect the suspect (land burner) under Article 187 letter 2e of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 15 years," said Police Chief AKBP Sarpani in Sampit, Saturday.
The evidence confiscated was a pack of land ash that caught fire as a sample, a machete, a gas lighter and the suspect's clothes. All evidence is secured for evidence in court later because this is the concern of all parties and the attention of the government.
"Anyone who deliberately burns forests and land will be investigated and dealt with firmly. This is a step by the East Kotawaringin Police in law enforcement in the field of the environment, especially forest and land fires," said Sarpani.
The investigation of this case was carried out by the Jaya Karya Police. His handling was given direct assistance by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Kotawaringin Police as a function supervisor so that the investigation could run appropriately in accordance with applicable regulations.
"When checking and examining the suspect, he did not deny. He admitted that he had carried out the arson, that's when he was immediately secured to the Jaya Karya Police. Currently, the burned land has been extinguished," said Sarpani.
He added, in the incident of forest and land fires, it is possible that all of them need to be investigated. If there is a possibility of intentional, it will certainly be processed firmly.
Even so, on purpose or not, the community is expected to participate and be responsible for preventing forest and land fires. If there are indications or there is sufficient preliminary evidence that the alleged intentional burning of forests and land will be dealt with firmly.
For land installed by a police line in accordance with the fire point, there are around 41 locations. That number accumulated the handling of the previous case until now, especially those being handled.
The case of the alleged burning of land is handled by the Jaya Karya Police, the City of Iron Police, the Antang Kalang Police, the Mentaya Hulu Police and others. The average burned land is fitted with a certain police line.
To prevent the ISPA case, the efforts carried out by East Kotawaringin include five stages or activities, namely the detection and mapping of all areas prone to forest fires.
This is based on previous and current analysis and information because there is El Nino and the dry season. Based on the mapping and the detection, efforts to educate and provide guidance and disseminate information to the community so that the community has an understanding that the burning of forests and land are not justified.
The East Kotawaringin Police also carried out prevention activities, namely patrols directed to areas prone to land fires. The development of this condition is monitored through patrols and areas that have already been burned can be localized so that it does not spread further.
"In addition, repressive actions were also carried out, namely strict legal action for those who committed violations. We also participated in the blackout in collaboration with relevant stakeholders in the context of extinguishing forest and land fires," said Sarpani.
Meanwhile, the suspect who burned the land, namely S, did not deny the allegation. He did not deny the violations he had committed.
"The fire is for clearing the land. The plan will be planted with palm oil," said S, who chose to remain silent throughout the press statement by the East Kotawaringin Police.