An Angler In East Kutai Dies By Crocodile

EAST KUTAI- An angler was found dead after being attacked by a crocodile in the Kaubun River, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan, on Friday, August 18. Sukmana (46) was last seen washing his hands in the river. A joint team from Basarnas Balikpapan and local residents managed to find the victim's body after an intensive search attempt. The victim was first declared missing on Thursday after his leg was hit by a crocodile while washing his hands in the Kaubun River, in the Bumi Jaya Village area, Kaubun District, East Kutai Regency. "At 08.18 WITA, the victim's body was found dead, about 20 meters from the location he was last seen," said Head of Operations Basarnas Balikpapan, Basrie Ia, explaining that the team managed to evacuate the victim's body at 08.25 WITA. The victim's body was then taken to the Kaubun Health Center while waiting for the victim's family. He said, on Friday, August 18, 2023, we reported the development of operations involving human danger due to the alleged crocodile attack on a fisherman in the Kaubun River, East Kutai Regency. At 08.25 WITA, the joint team provided information that the victim, Sukmana, was 46 years old, was found dead. "His distance was about 20 meters from the location last seen. Furthermore, the victim was evacuated to Kaubun Health Center, East Kutai," said Basrie. With the discovery of the victim's body, search and rescue operation was officially terminated. "At 08.40, the joint team carried out debriefing and with the discovery of the victim, this operation was proposed to be closed," he added.