619 Police Alerted To Secure MMTC ASEAN Activities In Labuan Bajo

LABUAN BAJO - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) has prepared 619 personnel to secure the implementation of the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara from August 20 to August 23, 2023. "Personnel prepared are 619 from the National Police Headquarters and the NTT Police. We are ready to carry out security for this meeting," said Karo Ops Polda NTT, Kombes Pol. Deonijiu De Fatima at Mako Polres West Manggarai, Labuan Bajo, Friday 18 August. A total of 619 personnel who are ready to secure the international activity consist of 159 Under Operations (BKO) troops from the National Police Headquarters, then 98 personnel from the NTT Police BKO, and the rest from the Manggarai Police BKO, Ende, Ngada, and Nagekeo. Deonijiu explained that the security was carried out starting from the arrival of the delegates at Komodo Labuan Bajo Airport to escorting to the inn to the Meruorah Hotel Labuan Bajo. Similar security is also applied to a series of activities at the Beauan Bajo Hotel. In addition to carrying out security to ensure the activity runs smoothly, the police also carried out traffic engineering. He said traffic engineering was implemented when the Taruna Akpol Drumband Parade at the Meruorah Hotel on August 22, 2023. "The closure will take a long time, one or two hours at the Meruorah Hotel, starting from Merdeka Street, then turning, only 1.3 kilometers away," he said. stated the National Police's commitment to securing international activities chaired by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. He also gave an appeal to the public to support these activities and keep the situation conducive. Deonijiu hopes that all parties can provide comfort to guests because it also relates to the good name of Indonesia in the eyes of the world. "Until now it is still safe," he said. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in an official statement ANTARA received in Labuan Bajo said the 17th AMMTC has a mandate to facilitate and encourage cooperation and coordination of ASEAN countries in order to prevent and eradicate transnational crimes. The issue of transnational crimes discussed is related to terrorism, trafficking in cyberspace, smuggling of weapons, trade in wildlife, illegal timber, trade in illegal drugs, money laundering, international economic crimes, sea piracy, and smuggling human.

The 17th AMMTC will be attended by 10 ASEAN state ministers along with members of its delegation, as well as delegates from three dialogue partners, namely China, Japan, and South Korea, while Timor Leste as observer, Chairman of the Directors-General of Immigration Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (DGICM), and Secretary General of ASEAN. The total participants of the activity reached 275 people. Listyo explained that the meeting was intended to strengthen and improve cross-sectoral coordination including exchanging information on transnational crime issues with relevant ASEAN sectoral agencies, increasing cooperation with ASEAN dialogue partners, and relevant stakeholders.