Eight People Arrested By Police Related To Cases Of Persecution To Death In Kudus

JAKARTA - The Kudus Resort Police, Central Java, managed to secure eight people suspected of being involved in the persecution case until the victim died. "Until now, we have arrested eight people, after previously five people were arrested. Then there are three additional people who have recently been arrested," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kudus Police AKP Danang Sri Wiratno in Kudus, Thursday, August 17. Regarding the possibility of additional perpetrators, he said, they are still being investigated. Meanwhile, eight perpetrators are still undergoing detention in the Kudus Police detention room to undergo further investigation. The case of persecution that resulted in one victim's death occurred on July 20, 2023 at a karaoke place in Jati Wetan Village, Jati District, Kudus. Meanwhile, the identities of the eight perpetrators could only be published after the investigation process was completed. The victim of persecution with the initials "J" from Purworejo Village, Bae District, Kudus Regency, said Danang, was informed to have died after previously undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Muhari, ayah korban berinisial J membenarkan jika anaknya meninggal dunia pada Selasa 15 Agustus malam setelah menjalani perawatan di ruang ICU selama 29 hari."Kami menuntut pelaku mendapatkan hukuman setimpal dan ganti rugi pengobatan sebesar Rp400 juta," ujarnya.Menurut dia anaknya merupakan korban salah sasaran karena tidak ada kaitannya dengan aksi dendam para pelaku. Namun, akibat pengeroyokan tersebut mengalami luka serius dan harus menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit.Informasinya, kata dia, anaknya itu dianiaya oleh puluhan orang yang diduga berasal dua organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) di Kudus. "Disinyalir juga ada pihak yang menjadi provokator hingga akhirnya terjadi kasus pengeroyokan," ujarnya.