Exco Member of the Indonesian Olympic Committee Becomes a Victim of Extortion Modus Hacking Instagram Accounts

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has arrested two suspects in extortion and threats involving hacking of social media accounts. It was later discovered that the victim was a member of the Executive Committee of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (Exco KOI), Teuku Arlan Perkasa Lukman.

"That's right (Teuku Arlan Perkasa Lukman is the reporter)," said Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Unit for Polda Metro Jaya, Commissioner (Kombes) Ade Safri Simanjuntak when confirmed, Monday, August 14.

Teuku Arlan Perkasa Lukman became a victim of extortion when he received a short message via the WhatsApp application, on August 4, 2023.

The short message sent by one of the suspects was to question Teuku Arlan Perkasa Lukman's Instagram account which had been hacked.

Meanwhile, in this case there are two suspects. They have the initials A and MRP.

Shortly thereafter, the MRP suspect contacted the victim and offered to help restore the hacked Instagram account.

However, there are conditions that must be met by victims. He was asked to pay IDR 10 million.

At that time, the victim agreed. In fact, he sent IDR 12.5 million or more than the perpetrator asked for.

However, the victim was again threatened. MRP said it would disseminate data and information on victims.

"Requested to be transferred back to the victim in the amount of IDR 100 million, but the victim objected and then reported it to the police," said Ade Safri.

The victim, who objected to the request, decided to report the extortion. The report is registered with the report number LP/B/4578/VIII/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

Based on this report, the police then conducted an investigation and finally arrested the two suspects in the South Sulawesi region.

"The role of suspect A is to provide an account to collect the proceeds of crime," said Ade.

With the arrest of the two suspects, they are charged with Article 27 paragraph (4) in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (4) and/or Article 29 in conjunction with Articles 45 B and l or Article 30 in conjunction with Article 46 and/or Article 32 in conjunction with Article 48 and/or Article 35 in conjunction with Article 51 paragraph (1) Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions.