Police Investigate Car Shooting Of Ormas Members In Tegal

The police are investigating the alleged shooting of a car carrying a member of a community organization (ormas) from Pemalang Regency by an unknown person in the Tegal City area.

Tegal City Police Chief AKBP Jaka Wahyudi said there had been reports of the incident which was currently being handled by the police.

According to him, a number of witnesses have been questioned, including members of mass organizations who were victims of the shooting.

From the results of the investigation, he said, it was known that the victim's car was fired at using an airsoft gun replica firearm.

This, according to him, was based on the examination of the victim's car where no bullet projectiles were found.

"From the size of the hole in the victim's car, it is suspected that the perpetrator used an airsoft gun," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 11.

The police chief has ordered the ranks of the Tegal City Police Satreskrim to reveal the perpetrators and the motive for the shooting.

The shooting incident of Daihatsu Xenia's car, which was boarded by a member of a mass organization from Pemalang Regency, occurred in the Tegal City area on Wednesday 9/8) night.