Anticipating Widening Anticipation, BPBD Monitors 156 Hotspots Potentially Forest And Land Fires In West Bangka

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) monitors the presence of 156 hotspots aka hotspots in West Bangka Regency for preventive measures.
"At the highest we found in Kelapa District with the number of hotspot locations reaching 61 points," said Head of BPBD West Bangka Regency Achmad Nursyandi in Mentok, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel), Thursday, August 10, as reported by Antara.
Achmad said the hotspots, apart from being found in Kelapa District, were also observed in Simpang District as many as 37 locations, Tempilang 23, Jebus 21, and Mentok District 14 locations.
In addition to continuously monitoring, the West Bangka Regency BPBD also makes anticipatory efforts by conducting socialization and education to the public so as not to carry out land fuel activities.
BPBD together with related agencies such as the TNI-Polri, Satpol PP and the Fire Department also jointly formed a team for forest and land fires, aka forest and land fires.
"In addition to providing skills briefing to the volunteer team, we have also provided training and simulations of blackouts with simple tools," he said.
In addition to preparing a number of officers in the village and sub-district areas, the West Kalimantan Regency Government appealed to the public not to burn forests and land carelessly.
"We will continue to strive to provide socialization and education to the community so that they can jointly maintain and anticipate the possibility of forest and land fires in the West Bangka area," he said.