Electric Bikes Are Prohibited From Crossing Highways In Cianjur, They Can Only Use Special Bike Paths

JABAR - Police have imposed a ban on electric bicycles crossing highways and protocols in Cianjur. This policy is to prevent traffic accidents from happening considering the reckless electric cyclists entering the main route.

Head of Cianjur Police Traffic Unit, AKP Anaga Budiharso, said that electric bicycles can only pass on special lanes such as bicycles. This provision is as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 45 of 2020.

"Electric bicycles can only pass in certain areas such as settlements, office areas, car free day, and special areas with various rules, such as wearing helmets, not intended for children under 15 years old, and should not be modified," he said in Cianjur, West Java, Thursday, August 10, confiscated by Antara.

Two lanes that can be passed by electric bicycles are special lanes provided for vehicles with electric or bicycle driving and certain areas created by the government because electric bicycles do not enter as vehicles intended for roads.

Electric bikes designed not to go through the highway, said Anaga, are feared to trigger accidents such as those in other areas even though in Cianjur until now, there has been no such case.

"We will take action against residents who use electric bicycles to the highway even though they are just a warning. They are directed to return to the electric bicycle lane. We hope that the community can comply with these rules," he said.

He emphasized that roads are only allowed for four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles fueled by oil and electric motorcycles. Residents who own electric bicycles are asked not to force themselves to cross the highway or public roads to avoid accidents.

"We will intensify socialization related to the ban to various groups, including to schools of various levels," he said.