Kikan Chocolate Express His Majesty's Desire Before He Died

JAKARTA - Namara Surtanti or better known as Kikan Chocolate is facing deep sorrow. The mother, Indira Damayanti died on Tuesday, August 8 at 13.20 WIB.

At the end of his life, the deceased is known to have weakened his kidney function which makes him have to dialysis regularly. This must be passed over the past two months.

"Indeed, since two months ago my mother experienced a decrease in kidney function. Finally, she was required to carry out the dialysis process," said Kikan to the media crew in Ciputat, South Jakarta on Tuesday, August 8 evening.

Through this difficult experience, Kikan said that his mother had a desire that could not be achieved, because she had to leave for the Creator sooner.

"When the mother started the dialysis process, the mother then had time to say that she wanted to be able to create or build a foundation or clinic, which was intended for people who needed dialysis," said Kikan.

"Because according to my mother the dialysis process is not easy and not cheap. He imagines, he said that people can't afford it (bloodwash)," he continued.

According to the late Indira Damayanti, Kikan said, kidney disease can occur to anyone regardless of their financial condition. Therefore, it is hoped that there will be free clinics for those who are less fortunate.

"This kidney disease is not just a disease for the rich, it means that he is not picky, anyone can get this illness. So, my mother wants to be able to make a free clinic at the end of her life to give free dialysis to people who can't afford it," said Kikan.

Even though his mother has passed away, Kikan hopes to fulfill the wishes of his loved ones one day.

"Just pray, hopefully after this my brothers and sisters can make this wish come true," he said.

Remembering the figure of the mother, Kikan mentioned one of her mother's teachings that he still remembers today. Not only that, he also tried to practice the teachings he got.

"The value he taught is a lot that is stuck. Maybe if I have to choose, always remind me to alms. I said never be afraid to give alms, because alms don't make us poor. So, I get sustenance, even in difficult circumstances, trying to alms with people. That's what he has taught until now, "concluded Kikan Chocolate.