Not Right On Target, DKI DPRD Suggests KJP To Be Removed

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Golkar faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Basri Baco, views that the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus program given to students is still not fully on target.

Based on the residents' complaints he received, there were still underprivileged families whose single child was the recipient of the KJP. Meanwhile, there are other families whose all children received the education assistance.

"Fakta di lapangan ada satu keluarga 4 anaknya dapat dan ada keluarga yang satu pun tidak dapat. Ini tidak adil," kata Baco dalam raperda bertemuan hasil pembahasan Raperda tentang P2APBD Tahun Anggaran 2023, dikutip Jumat, 4 Agustus.

If the implementation of the distribution of KJP is still not on target, Baco proposes that the DKI Provincial Government remove the KJP program, then replace it with a free school, especially the private sector in certain categories.

Given, there are still many cases of underprivileged students receiving education in private schools. Then, when graduating, he could not take his diploma at school because he had not paid his tuition fees.

"If only public schools are free, private schools are free, especially C and D, then no more diplomas will be withheld. There are no more complaints every year, no more children will drop out of school. We can make this happen," said Basri.

Furthermore, Basri emphasized that the proposal to abolish the KJP if this program cannot be set on target is expressed in order to realize the mandatory 12-year learning regulations.

"I remember that we have Regional Regulation Number 8 of 200 which includes having to study for 12 years. But until now we have not been able to realize it," he said.

Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Syaefuloh Hidayat, previously emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government did not really want to let the KJP program go wrong.

This is done by periodic verification involving the kelurahan to check the feasibility of KJP recipients based on the current condition of the welfare concerned.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is carrying out the verification process again by involving the kelurahan. So, really all urban villages are involved, to determine whether the Kjp recipients are really entitled," explained Syaefuloh.

"If there is a verification process in the kelurahan there are those who receive the car, some are considered capable, so this will be proposed not to accept the KJP again," he continued.

Meanwhile, if there are people who feel they have the right to be KJP recipients but do not get them, they can argue by attaching the required documents.

"The public is still given the opportunity to file a rebuttal. We will submit evidence later. If the evidence of the refutation is sufficient, later we may include it again as a KJP recipient," he added.