These Two Regions Become Regions With The Highest 3 Kg ELpiji Consumption In July
JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga recorded an increase in consumption of 3 kilograms of LPG gas during July 2023. Pertamina noted that the supply of LPG throughout July 2023 was at 700,000 metric tons (MT), an increase of 5 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 690,000 MT.
President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan revealed that there are two areas with the highest LPG consumption, namely West Java (JBB) and Central Java (JBT).
"JBB and JBT, which have bases of 36,000 and JBT of 45,000 LPG bases each," Riva told the media in an online press conference, Thursday, August 3.
Despite recording the highest consumption, RIVA ensured that the two areas did not experience a shortage of 3 kg LPG.
Riva explained that currently Pertamina Patra Niaga has prepared at least 46 LPG terminals spread across Indonesian territory, 699 LPG stations or SPBE and 5200 agents spread across areas that consume 3 kilograms of LPG, namely from Sumatera to Sulawesi.
"We are also preparing 244,000 3kg LPG bases where this number is, we continue to strive to increase the number of bases in relation to further reach the community and make it easier for people to get LPG," he said.
Furthermore, regarding the issue of the lack of smooth distribution of LPG 3kg to several regions, Riva explained that his party continues to carry out inspections to locations that have increased demand for subsidized LPG.
In addition, his party also cooperates with local governments to make direct visits to the location to ensure stock availability.
"We convey that this 3 kg LPG will not be reduced and strive to always be available to people in need," added Riva.