Remember The Dangers Of Sweet Kental Milk, Expert: Change With Healthy And Nutritious Foods

JAKARTA - The danger of consuming excess sugar in the form of thick, sweet milk is still lurking, especially if it is given to toddlers. People are asked to change their habits by eating healthier and more nutritious foods.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Internal, Neonatal Health Work Team and the Decline of AKI AKB Ministry of Health Laila Maheasy. According to him, this warning is a form of balanced nutrition education in the community.

"We need to make people aware of the importance of knowing the dangers of condensed consumption and replacing them with healthier and more nutritious food choices cannot be ignored," Laila said in a written statement, Wednesday, August 2.

Laila then mentioned the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) which said that a quarter of women of fertile age in Indonesia turned out to be anemia; 21 percent experienced hypertension; and 14.5 percent of them experienced lack of energy. In addition, there is 20 percent of the population aged 18 years who are obese.

This condition, continued Laila, must be the concern of all parties. He also said that this nutrition must be given to families and pregnant women.

The reason is that many pregnant women experience anemia because they are not enough nutrition. This condition then causes complications and poor fetal growth.

But on the other hand, pregnant women should not be obese. Thus, they are advised to reduce consumption of high sugar, salt, fat, and increase consumption of vegetables and fruit or as suggested in the Maternal and Child Health Book (KIA).

"In maintaining the health of mothers and children, proper nutrition education from adolescence to pregnancy is very important," said Laila.

"The public is advised to understand how balanced nutrition affects health, as well as play an active role in efforts to prevent nutrition problems and improve the health of mothers and children in Indonesia," he concluded.