Puan's Attention Regarding Artificial Intelligence Technology For The Military Becomes Strong Support For The TNI

JAKARTA - The attention of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, to the progress of the TNI, is considered to be able to increase strength for the main component of the country's defense system. When watching the joint TNI (Latgab) exercise, Puan emphasized the importance of the TNI preparing with the era of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence.

"The attention and support of the Speaker of the DPR for the use of AI and high technology by the TNI should be appreciated. After all, the use of high technology in the acquisition of defense equipment has indeed become a must," said Defense and Security Observer, Anton Aliabbas, Tuesday, August 1.

He added that the use of AI in the military would be very necessary, such as utilization in the intelligence data collection sector. The use of AI by the military has now been used by many countries, including strategically in dealing with conflicts.

As the United States military does, where a non-armed drone named Global Hawk conducts monitoring over the South China Sea. The monitoring was approved by Singapore, which is a US security partner.

It is known, the Global Hawk is tasked with sending every recording of intelligence images of other countries' activities around the South China Sea (LCS) which are currently being contested by China and a number of countries in Southeast Asia. For this reason, said Anton, the TNI had to enter the AI region considering that Indonesia was also involved in LCS matters.

"High technology such as AI and unmanned weaponry is part of game changers in modern defense governance," said the lecturer from Paramadina University.

As the head of a legislative institution that has the authority to legislative and state budget, Puan is said to have the capacity to support the advancement of TNI technology. The DPR's move to support the use of AI in the military field is important because artificial intelligence technology will minimize the dangers and threats to national security.

"It is fitting for Mbak Puan to pay this attention to the TNI. The DPR has begun to prepare that AI is needed for the future. With wise application, AI will be very useful for the military to protect our country and soldiers," said Anton.

The head of the Center for Intermestic and Diplomatic Engagement (CIDE) also quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin as stating that artificial intelligence is the future for all mankind and anyone who can lead this field will become the world's ruler. According to Anton, Indonesia must take part, especially since the Indonesian military is quite recognized for its greatness among the international community.

"If strong countries such as Russia and the United States start to seriously look away from the use of AI in the defense sector, why can't Indonesia. Our military is recognized by the world as one of the best, with the addition of AI it is not impossible that the TNI will be increasingly respected by the world," he explained.

United States President Joe Biden invested about $6 billion into AI-related research projects. AI development will be very important in various fields such as human resources, the public sector, medical care, and even in the military sector.

For this reason, Anton hopes that the DPR encourages the Government to focus on developing AI as support for the country's resilience system. Of course, it is supported by the budget allocation discussed with the DPR.

"Puan should also be able to direct the attention of the DPR to remind the Government to rearrange the distribution of defense budget allocations so that the portion is not large in routine shopping and employees, but in capital expenditures," Anton appealed.

One of the things that needs to be developed in the state's resilience system related to AI is how to create a technology that will support success in every strategic decision-making. Anton said this could be used to support strategies in the Indonesian defense system.

"Utilization of high technology, including AI, of course, can not only be used for military weapons alone, but can also help the faster strategic decision-making process," he said.

"So far, AI has not been maximally utilized in the context of the strategic decision-making process, which is expected to be very helpful in estimating future potential during the decision-making process," added Anton.

Previously, while witnessing the TNI 2023 joint training process (Latgab), Puan mentioned the development of AI technology in the war. Puan and high-ranking TNI officials and witnessed the TNI Latgab from above KRI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat-992 which was in the vicinity of East Java waters.

In the Latgab, Puan witnessed simulations of strategic weapons shootings from several TNI ships. He also reminded the TNI to be prepared with the use of AI or artificial intelligence in the military field, especially for tasks that are considered too dangerous for humans to work on.

"As a country that has the best military forces, the TNI must be able to allocate more knowledge to learn AI which aims to assist our country's defense system. The TNI must be ready for the Artificial Intelligence era," said Puan, Monday (31/7).

"With wise and transparent application, AI can be a very useful tool for the military in protecting the country and increasing global security," continued the first woman to serve as chairman of the DPR.

Puan said that the TNI as a means of national defense has a crucial role in dealing with various forms of threats both from within and outside the country to sovereignty, territorial integrity and national safety. In addition, the TNI also has an important role as the frontline in recovering state security conditions that are disrupted due to security chaos.

"As the Latin saying'si vis pacem para bellum' means that if you want peace, you must be ready for war, of course, it has a very important meaning in this training," said Puan.