Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Says 4.578 Motorcycles Queue For Electric Conversion
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Recruitment of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) Dadan Kusdiana reported that until July 27, 2023, there had been 4,578 applicants for conversion to electric motors that registered through digital platforms provided by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"94 percent of this is located in Java. This is starting to be ready, we are also doing training, in Java, Purbalingga, Bali so that this can be executed quickly," Dadan said in his remarks at the Opening of the Initial Electric Motorcycle Conversion at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday, July 28.
Dadan further said that his party will also continue to carry out socialization in several areas such as Bali, East Java, Central Java and in 10 other big cities.
For now, he said, there are 8 conversion workshops certified with a capacity of 35 thousand motorcycles per year.
"To be able to add this, we do technical training, mentoring and certificate workshops to collaborate with other workshops," continued Dadan.
The implementation of the conversion of the motlis itself is a form of implementation of the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2020. The implementation of this motorcycle conversion also aims to support the development of the KBLBB ecosystem or battery-based electric motor vehicles to reduce fuel imports, support reducing greenhouse gas emissions including of course vehicle sound emissions
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets that by 2023 it will convert 50,000 motorized vehicles into electric motors.