PDIP: Puan-Airlangga Meeting Consolidates Politics In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto explained that the meeting between PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani and Golkar Party General Chair (Ketum) Airlangga Hartarto was a political consolidation process ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"It is a political consolidation process in the context of the 2024 General Election," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP Office, Jakarta, Thursday, July 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

Hasto said the meeting was also a direct direction from PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri because the party bearing the white-nosed bull symbol was an inclusive party that represented and represented all political forces and the Indonesian people.

"The dialogue carried out by Mbak Puan Maharani accompanied by Mr. Said Abdullah is an assignment from Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri to meet with the Ketum Golkar Mr. Airlangga Hartarto and also meet with the Chairman of PKB Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar," he explained.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani visited the residence of Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto on Jalan Tirtayasa Raya No 32, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Thursday 27 July.

Puan arrived at around 15.00 WIB and was greeted by Airlangga along with a number of Golkar Party elites, including Secretary General Lodewijk F Paulus and Deputy General Chairperson of Mechias Markus Mekeng.

Meanwhile, Puan Maharani was accompanied by the Chair of the PDI-P DPP Bambang Wuryanto and Said Abdullah.

Prior to Puan's arrival, Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto told reporters that Puan Maharani had come to discuss political issues.

"Today there is a meeting with Mbak Puan, if Mbak Puan is definitely talking about politics," he said.

A few hours earlier, Puan Maharani visited the residence of the General Chairperson of the National Awakening Party Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin at the Widya Chandra Complex, South Jakarta.