Viral, Wild Racing Action In Bekasi Disrupts Road Riders
JAKARTA - A number of motorized teenagers held a illegal vehicle racing action on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The illegal racing actors were desperate to close the public road access road.
From the testimony of eyewitnesses, Adriano (19) said, motorcycle racing fans closed the road to hold motorcycle racing. They first sterilize vehicles that want to pass on the road.
"There is a road closure, he is still sterilizing the streets for illegal racing. That was the incident before the metland bench, at 01.55 WIB. I thought it was not too long for the illegal racing position, it turned out that there were almost 2 or 3 times. (road closure) There were almost 15 minutes or 20 minutes," he said, Sunday, July 23.
As a result of the road closure by illegal racing actors, other motorists were disturbed.
"Yes, it was disturbed, especially until the crash or incident occurred until the accident. Plus, they are already busy with gangs, especially at that speed, the exhaust sound is noisy and is really disturbed," he said.
According to Adriano, the illegal racing action on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin took place on Saturday and Sunday nights. The perpetrators of illegal racing closed all roads access to public roads.
"Full the road to close, he uses half the road. The one on the right, the other half is to watch. The hope to the police is that it is more guided for the children, if they really have a hobby in racing, please. Please make it in Bekasi areas and away from the community," he said.